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Round matches

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Stagione 2013-2014
Seconda divisione femm.
Under 18 femminile
Under 17 maschile
Under 15 maschile
List of seasons-game
Under 14 femminile ❯ Girone C seconda fase
Latest RoundCalendarTableCross matchesRosterRefereeSearch


1S.Giuseppe Rovereto2796300005400027309,001,60
2Volano S.Giuseppe2396110105301125604,171,27
3Val di Non Anaune18942001224210191101,731,09
4Ausugum Borgo15941003132130181301,381,04
5Aldeno Volley11902210422233142100,670,94
6Cr Adamello Brenta8920022311432122100,570,89
7Marzola Rossa691011152034292300,390,86
8Val di Non Predaia090000180045012700,040,57
Pts=Points PM=Played TB=Tie break C=Cards SQ=Set Quotient PQ=Points Quotient

Table for the last match

1Volano S.Giuseppe15541000032000151015,001,43
2S.Giuseppe Rovereto1553200002300015207,501,75
3Ausugum Borgo953000202102011601,831,03
4Val di Non Anaune952100111220010701,431,04
5Aldeno Volley550110030221161200,500,92
6Cr Adamello Brenta451001121022161200,500,83
7Marzola Rossa350011031022251400,360,87
8Val di Non Predaia050000140023011500,070,56
Pts=Points PM=Played TB=Tie break C=Cards SQ=Set Quotient PQ=Points Quotient
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